TranscriberAG user manual

This manual contains the following parts:

Getting started

How to launch TranscriberAG?

You can start TranscriberAG in the following ways:

Welcome screen

When you first start TranscriberAG, you will be prompted to define an identifier.

This identifier will be afterwards used to tag annotation files you create or edit.

First start

This happens only once: after you'll be taken directly to the Main window

>> Back to menu


Main window


Following is a screenshot of TranscriberAG before any file has been opened:

First start


TranscriberAG main window contains the following elements:

Usually, the first thing to do after opening TranscriberAG is to open an audio file (to create a new annotation file) or to open an existing annotation file.

To do this, you can use the menubar, the toolbar or the <ctrl+o> shortcut.

The Tool Bar can be easily shown or hidden using the <ctrl+k> shortcut, and the Explorer Tree with the <ctrl+j> shortcut.

>> Back to menu

Menu And Tool Bars


Top bar


All TranscriberAG functionalities are accessible through:

The Menu Bar

You can display menu items and activate them with the mouse, or using <Alt>+<letter> generic shortcut, where <letter> identifies an underlined letter in corresponding menu label (eg. <Alt>+f to open "File"menu items)

Some actions are associated with a keyboard shortcut. This shortcut is indicated next to menu label. A reminder of all keyboard shortcuts is given in Shortcuts Summary section.

When there is no open file, the only actions available are: open a file, open the general speaker dictionary and configure the display, and the menu bar shows as follow:

Menu bar file Menu bar speakers Menu bar Help menu

When a file is open, then all editing actions become available, and the menu bar shows as follow:

Menu bar Menu bar Menu bar search Menu bar annotation Menu bar signal Menu bar speakers Menu bar window Menu bar help Menu bar

All available menu actions are described below.

File menu

File menu allows basic operations on file.
Menu bar open Open opens a file selection dialog box, allowing to select the file to open.
Menu bar create Create a new transcription allows to create a new transcription thanks to audio file(s).
Menu bar recent Recent files allows to re-open one of the 10 most recently opened files.
Menu bar quit Quit allows to quit TranscriberAG.
Menu bar save Save allows to save the current annotation file.
Menu bar save Save as saves the current annotation file with a new name. A "Save as" dialog box is opened, through which the user is prompted to input file new name or new location.
menu_bar_close.jpg Close allows to close the current opened file.
Menu bar export Export file allows to export the current opened file in stm/chat/html/txt or user-defined format.
Menu bar read write Edit/Read only mode allows to switch within the editor between edit and read-only modes.
Menu bar revert Revert file allows to restore file from a recent version:
Menu bar Revert to saved file restores last saved version of the current file.
Menu bar Revert to autosaved file restores last autosaved version of the current file (which can be more recent than last saved version).
Menu bar Refresh refreshes currently opened file and displays current file data.

Edit menu

Edit menu gives access to basic file editing operations.
Menu undo Undo cancels previous editing action.
Menu Redo Redo redoes a canceled editing action.
Menu Copy Copy copies selected text area from annotation editor to selection buffer.
Menu Paste Paste copies selection buffer contents to annotation editor at current cursor position.
Menu Special paste Special paste copies selection buffer contents (including segmentation marks and annotation tags) to annotation editor at current cursor position.
Menu Cut Cut copies selected text area to selection buffer and deletes it from annotation editor.
Menu Clipboard Clipboard gives access to the edit clipboard actions when the clipboard is opened (shortcut: <alt+shift+c>).
Menu Display/hide clipboard Display/Hide clipboard displays or hides the clipboard.
Menu Previous entry Previous entry selects the previous entry in the clipboard.
Menu Next entry Next entry selects the next entry in the clipboard.
Menu Import Import in clipboard puts the selected text in the clipboard.
Menu export Export from clipboard puts the clipboard selected entry into the editor buffer at current cursor position.
Menu Clear Clear clipboard clears all entries from the clipboard.
Menu Suppress Suppress clipboard selection erases the selected entry from the clipboard.
Menu Language input language menu allow to select the input mode for the keyboard.
Menu Next language Next language selects next input language.
Menu Previous language Previous language selects previous input language.

Search menu

The Search menu gives access to Search and Special search features within the annotation editor.

Menu bar search Search opens the search bar at the bottom of the window, or the search dialog box, depending on user preferences.
Menu bar special search Special search opens a search dialog box that allows to search turns of speech for a given speaker, or sections for a given theme.

Annotation menu

The Annotation menu gives access to Annotation Actions.
These actions may vary depending on applicable annotation conventions.
The following menu describes a classical and detailed transcription scheme, with "Section/Turn/Segment" segmentation level and text-anchored events.

Menu New section New section inserts a new section at at current segment start. If no turn exists at segment start, it will be automatically inserted.
Menu New turn New turn inserts a new turn at current segment start. If a turn already exists at segment start, an overlapping turn will be created, after user confirmation.
Menu New segment New segment inserts a new segment for current audio cursor value at current text cursor position.
Menu New event New event inserts a new event at current text cursor position. New event menu is popped to select annotation event or foreground event type. These menus are configured by applicable annotation conventions, and may look like follows:
Menu Noise Noise inserts foreground noise event (for example breathing, general, conversation, etc).
Menu Pronunciation Pronounciation annotates pronunciation problems (eg. unintelligible).
Menu Language Language annotates short scope language changes.
Menu Normalization Normalization inserts term normalisation (dates, numbers, etc).
Menu Disfluency Disfluency annotates discourse disfluencies (hesitation, revision, etc).
Menu Comment Comment inserts a comment.
Menu Delete event Delete event erases current event.
Menu Event properties Edits event properties modifies current event properties (type/subtype).

Menu Named entity New named entity inserts a new named entity at current text cursor position. Entity menu is popped to select entity type and subtype. The entity menu is configured by applicable annotation conventions, and may look like follows:
NE Person Person annotates a person identification (human, fictional character, other, etc)
NE Location Location annotates a geographical location name (town, country, region, other, etc).
NE Time Time annotates a time definition (date, hour, other).
NE Amount Amount annotates an amount (currency, other).
NE Product Product annotates a "commercial" product name (vehicle, art, other).
NE Organization Organization annotates an organization name (non profit, educative, commercial, other).
NE Unknown Unknown marks a scope as unknown.
NE Geo Socio Politic Geo Socio Politic annotates a geo-socio-political entity.
NE Facilities Facilities annotates a facility.
NE Other Other annotates an entity with an indeterminate type.
NE Delete Delete named entity erases current entity annotation.
NE Edit Edit named entity properties modifies current entity properties.

Menu Background segment New background inserts a new background segment at current signal cursor position.

Signal menu

The Signal menu allows to interact with the Audio Widget, to pilot signal playback. Most of the menu actions are also available through keyboard shortcuts.

Menu Play Play/Pause starts or pauses the signal playback.
Menu Forward Forward allows to skip forward 3 seconds into the signal.
Menu Rewind Rewind allows to skip backward 3 seconds into the signal.
Menu Active track 1 Active track 1 sets track 1 as current track for annotation editor (only for stereo file).
Menu Active track 2 Active track 2 sets track 2 as current track for annotation editor (only for stereo file).
Menu Text to signal sync Enable/Disable synchronisation of text cursor with signal cursor.
Menu Signal to text sync Enable/Disable synchronisation of signal cursor with text cursor.
Menu Save signal selection Save signal selection saves selected signal portion to file; a file selection dialog is popped.
Menu Goto signal position Goto signal position moves signal cursor to user-input position; an input dialog is popped.

Text to signal synchronization means that text cursor is automatically moved to (end of) segment annotation text corresponding to current signal cursor position when this position changes, either when the user clicks on the signal waveform or when the signal is played. If text cursor is already set in current segment, it is not moved.

Signal to text synchronization means that the signal cursor is automatically moved to the (start of) segment annotation corresponding to the current text cursor position when this position changes. If the signal cursor is already in the current segment, it is not moved.

Speakers menu

The Speakers menu gives access to global and local Speaker Dictionaries.

Menu Global speaker dictionary Global speaker dictionary opens the global speaker dictionary.
Menu File speaker dictionary File speaker dictionary opens the speaker dictionary defined for current file.

Window menu

The Window menu gives access to windows visibility menu and application configuration dialog.

Menu Show/Hide toolbar Show/Hide toolbar shows or hides the toolbar
Menu Show/Hide status bar Show/Hide status bar shows or hides the status bar (located at bottom)
Menu Show/Hide explorer Show/Hide explorer shows or hides explorer's widget.
Menu Preferences Preferences button shows Configuration popup.
Menu Editor display Enlarge editor display hides the explorer tree and extends the editor zone to occupy the whole TranscriberAG window.
Menu Previous tab Previous tab button moves to the previous edited file.
Menu Next tab Next tab button moves to the next edited file.
Menu Close current page Close current page closes current open file.
Menu Display clipboard Display clipboard button displays the Clipboard.
Menu File properties Display file properties button opens the Annotation File Properties popup.

Help menu

The Help menu gives access to online help features.

Menu About About button gives information about the current version of TranscriberAG.
Menu User manual User manual button displays this manual.

Display menu

The Display menu gives access to display options for annotations layout in the text widget.

Menu Show/Hide tags Show/hide tags shows or hides some annotations tags (entities, events, backgrounds, etc) in the text widget.
Menu Enable/Disable highlight Enable/Disable highlight activates (or disables) current text segment highlight.
Menu Enable/Disable dual display Enable dual display (stereo files) switches between dual and merged display modes.

The Tool Bar

When there is no file opened, you can just: quit TranscriberAG, open a file, show/hide the explorer or consult the global dictionary.

Toolbar at start-up

When a file is opened, then menu bar looks like this:

Menu bar

Tool bar buttons are described hereafter:

Menu Quit Quit button quits TranscriberAG .
Menu Open Open button opens a file.
tool_bar_save.jpg Save button saves current file.
tool_bar_close.jpg Close button closes the currently open file.
tool_bar_refresh.jpg Refresh button refreshes the text and audio waveform of the currently open file.
tool_bar_undo.jpg Undo button cancels previous editing action.
tool_bar_redo.jpg Redo button restores a previously canceled editing action.
tool_bar_copy.jpg Copy button copies selected text area from annotation editor to selection buffer.
ool_bar_paste.jpg Paste button copies selection buffer contents to annotation editor at current text cursor position.
tool_bar_cut.jpg Cut button copies selected text area to selection buffer and deletes it from annotation editor.
tool_bar_search.jpg Search button opens Search dialog popup, either as a dialog box or as a tool bar at editor's bottom line;
tool_bar_file_properties.jpg File Properties button opens the File Properties dialog for the current file.
tool_bar_explorer.jpg Show/Hide explorer button shows or hides the File Explorer.
tool_bar_global_dictionary.jpg Global speakers dictionary button opens the Global Dictionary.
tool_bar_language.jpg Keyboard language button allows to set current input language for the keyboard (shortcut: <ctrl+shift+page up/down>).
tool_bar_edit_mode.jpg File locked button Indicates current file editability state: when shown as an open padlock, then current file can be updated. When shown as a closed padlock, then current file is only readable. By clicking on the button, one can change the editability state of the editor buffer BUT NOT OF THE FILE. This is useful to avoid modifying a writable buffer, when browsing it for instance (shortcut: <F6>).
tool_bar_displayed_editor_tag Editor qualifiers tags displayed button allows to show or hide qualifier tags in the text widget (shortcut: <F7>). Clicking on the button allows to hide or display the qualifiers. When hidden mode is on, clicking on the arrow button on the right allows to switch between modes (hide all qualifiers, only events, only entities, etc).
tool_bar_sync_signal.jpg Text synchronized to signal button allows to activate/deactivate automatic positioning of the text cursor relatively to the current signal offset. When shown as illustrated, text is synchronized with signal, which means that text cursor "follows" the signal cursor. When shown crossed with a red line, text is not synchronized with the signal (shortcut: <F8>).
tool_bar_sync_text.jpg Signal synchronized to text button allows to activate/deactivate automatic positioning of the signal cursor relatively to the current text cursor position. When shown as illustrated, signal is synchronized with text, which means that signal cursor "follows" the text cursor. When shown crossed with a red line, signal is not synchronized with the text (shortcut: <F9>).
tool_bar_highlight.jpg Highlight button when activated (shows as illustrated), the current segment of text in the annotation editor is highlighted. When shown crossed with a red line, text highlighting is disabled. For a stereo file with multiple views, one can refine highlighting options by clicking on the arrow button on the right, and select in which view to activate highlight (shortcut: <F11>).
tool_bar_unique_editor.jpg Unique editor button (only with stereo files). Allows to switch between various display modes for stereo files: a single view displaying annotations for both tracks, two "dual" views (one for each track) side by side, a single view for one of the tracks. Clicking on the "terminal" icon allows to switch between single/dual view. When in single view, clicking on the arrow button on the right allows to select between merged/track1/track2 modes shortcut: <F12>).
tool_bar_clipboard.jpg Clipboard button Show/hide Clipboard window (shortcut: <shift+alt+c>).

Remark: the classic option icons (such as open, save, copy, paste, etc) depend on the Gtk theme used by your system, and can differ from the pictures of the current page.

>> Back to menu

File Explorer


Explorer tree


The file explorer tree aims at browsing the file system in order to select and open a file.
The file explorer contains the following parts:

Browsing through trees

Clicking on the  Open Tree  icon left to a tree element or double-clicking on its name allows to open it and display its contents (or close it if it was already opened).
When a branch is opened, its contents are displayed in alphabetical order, according to current filtering rules (see filtering below). Items display an icon according to item type (folder, annotation file, audio file, other type), and the file or folder name.

Right clicking on the root item of a tree pops up the following menu:

Explorer tree Refresh refreshes tree display.
Explorer tree New Folder creates a new folder in tree root folder.
Explorer tree Paste pastes previously copied folder in root folder.

Right clicking on a folder-type item of a tree pops up the following menu:

explorer_tree_refresh.jpg Refresh refreshes current folder display.
Explorer tree New Folder creates a new folder in current folder.
explorer_tree_rename.jpg Rename renames current folder.
Explorer tree Copy copies current folder.
Explorer tree Cut copies and deletes current folder.
Explorer tree Paste pastes previously copied folder in current folder.
Explorer tree Add to shortcut opens the shortcut creation dialog with fields correctly filled.
Explorer tree Delete deletes current folder.
Explorer tree Properties displays information on current folder.

Right clicking on a file-type item of a tree displays the following popup menu:

Menu Open Open opens current file.
Menu Create transcription Create creates a new transcription file (option available only for audio items).
Menu Create multi-chanel transcription Create Multi creates a new stereo transcription (option available only for audio items).
Menu Rename Rename renames current file.
Menu Copy Copy copies current file.
Menu Cut Cut copies and deletes current file.
Menu Paste Paste pastes previously copied file in current folder.
Menu Delete Delete deletes current file.
Menu Properties Properties displays information on current file, according to file type:
File properties popup File properties popup2

Using shortcuts

Shortcuts are aimed at avoiding loosing time in repeating file tree browsing by giving direct access to a previously "tagged" directory path.

Creating Shortcuts

Clicking on   Add new shortcut   button makes the shortcut creation dialog appear:

Target shortcut

The target path for the shortcut must be defined in the Target path field.
The name of the shortcut must be defined in Shortcut name field (it is by default set to the target path base name).
The following button:   Button DATA   gives access to the OS standard file browser composed of a file selection dialog through which one can select shortcut target path.
A shorcut can also be created with a right click on a folder thanks to the button "add to shortcut" from the contextual menu.

Using shortcuts

Using shortcuts is similar to using the SYSTEM root tree. Right clicking on a shortcut displays the following popup menu:

Menu Refresh Refresh refreshes the tree display.
Menu New folder New Folder creates a new folder with name to fill in.
Menu Paste Paste pastes the copied folder in shorcut root folder.
Menu Modify shortcut Modify shortcut for modifying the name or the path of the shortcut.
Menu Delete shortcut Delete shortcut deletes shortcut.

Filtering displayed file types

Filtering files The Filter combo on top of the subwindow allows to filter displayed directories contents, to show only files of selected file type:
  • audio and annotation files (any audio file or importable file)
  • audio files (.wav, .mp3, .au, .sph, .aiff and other formats)
  • video files (.mpg, .mpeg, .avi and other formats)
  • TranscriberAG files (.tag)
  • text files (.txt)
  • all files (*).

Importable file formats can be configured in the formatAG.rc file (see TranscriberAG Configuration Manual)

>> Back to menu

Annotation Editor


Annotation editor


The annotation editor is the TranscriberAG component through which one can create and edit textual annotations on an audio signal (or the audio track of a video signal). The editor window can be composed of several parts:

This page describes general features of the annotation editor:

Specific features of the text and audio widgets are described in corresponding pages.

Multiple files support

Several files can be opened at the same time within TranscriberAG. Each file is then loaded in a separate AnnotationEditor, and docked in a notebook, as shown in above screenshot. One can switch to the current file by clicking on the upper notebook label, or pressing <ctrl+PageDown> (go to next page) or <ctrl+PageUp> (go to previous page).

Loaded files gain exclusive access to the audio device only when signal is played. Thus, only one signal can be played at a time, but as soon as current soundtrack is paused, another soundtrack can be played or another application can gain access to the audio device. Reciprocally, if another application uses the audio device, TranscriberAG will not be able to get exclusive access to the device. Depending on how the other application manages audio device locking, pausing the playback within this application may be not sufficient. Stopping the playback may be necessary.

Clicking on the cross icon  Text widget cross  next to file name (or using <ctrl+w> shortcut, or File > Close menu option) causes corresponding file to close.

Supported audio file types

TranscriberAG supports the following audio file formats and codecs:

TranscriberAG supports the annotation of stereo files, and provides specific features to ease this task, see Stereo files below.

Creating a new annotation file

When an audio file is opened through the File Explorer (or using the File > Open menu option), TranscriberAG first checks if any annotation file exists for selected signal (lookup being performed on file naming rules).
If not, a new annotation file will be automatically created. The user is prompted to select main transcription language and applicable Annotation conventions:

Annotation file dlg

Transcription language

The main transcription language defines the default keyboard mode set for text input, and activates the appropriate spelling dictionaries (see Spell Checker feature for the text widget). The current version is configured with the following languages :

Other latin languages can easily be configured by a corpus administrator (refer to TranscriberAG configuration manual).

Transcription conventions

Transcription conventions define the way speech transcription should be undertaken :

Those conventions are usually detailled in a transcription conventions document. TranscriberAG provides mechanisms to enforce and control their application.

Different conventions can be configured by a corpus administrator (refer to TranscriberAG configuration manual for more information on how to configure annotation conventions).

Annotation editor menus and actions will be automatically configured for selected annotation conventions (see Signal Annotation).

The following default conventions are defined:

Confirmation popup

OK button validates new file creation. A new annotation graph is initialized for selected annotation conventions, containing basically one segment for each segmentation level. The user can then create new annotations, as explained in Text Widget section.

If Cancel is selected, new file creation is aborted.

If an existing annotation file can be found for selected signal file, then the user is prompted to confirm new annotation file creation or use existing file:

Confirmation dialog

Yes button validates new file creation, whereas No button will cause existing file (which name is displayed in dialog) to be loaded in the editor.

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Opening an existing annotation file

Opening a TranscriberAG ".tag" file

When a TranscriberAG annotation file (generally suffixed ".tag") is opened through the File Explorer Tree (or using the File > Open menu option or <ctrl+o> shortcut), TranscriberAG loads annotation and corresponding signal files in a new annotation editor session.

Signal file lookup is done with respect to signal file name stored in the annotation file. If signal full pathname isn't defined, then TranscriberAG first looks in the annotation file parent directory. If not found, then it looks in the default directory for audio files defined in configuration parameters. If not found, then it prompts the user to manually select the signal file:

Select signal dialog

If a signal file is selected, its path is stored in annotation file, allowing its automatic reload next time annotation file is reloaded. To avoid sound association press Without signal button; annotation file is still opened but displays only textual annotations.

File editability

Tool bar edit mode File locked button in the Toolbar indicates current file editability state: when shown as an open padlock, as illustrated, then current file can be updated. When shown as a closed padlock, then current file is only readable.
By clicking on the button, one can change the editability state of the editor buffer BUT NOT OF THE FILE. It can be useful to lock current file to avoid unwanted modifications when browsing into it.

Importing another annotation file format

TranscriberAG natively supports reading the following annotation file formats:

If any file of one of these formats is opened in TranscriberAG, it is "on the fly" converted to TAG format and displayed in a new annotation editor. It can then be edited.

Except for SCLITE format, some command-line tools are also provided to convert files to TAG format (trs2tag, chat2tag, ctm2tag, stm2tag, mdtm2tag,...).

Other file formats can be loaded in TranscriberAG if appropriate format support plug-ins are provided.

>> Back to menu

Saving current annotation file

Saving in TAG format

Tool bar save Pressing the Save button in the Toolbar (or using the File > Save menu option or <ctrl+s> shortcut) saves current annotation buffer contents to TAG file format.
Tool bas save Using File > Save As menu option opens the an open dialog to allow the user to input a new file name.

Remark: Save option when the current edited file has not been saved yet and a file with same name already exists.

Exporting to another file format

TranscriberAG natively supports exporting annotations to the following annotation file formats:

Due to the modeling restrictions inherent to each format, some information losses may occur during conversion.

Some command-line tools are also provided to convert files from TAG format (tag2chat, tag2stm, tag2html, tag2txt, ...).

Other file formats can be loaded in TranscriberAG if appropriate format support plug-ins are provided

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Automatic backup and revert to saved

TranscriberAG automatically backups any edited file at a given period (which can be configured, see Configuration section).

recover_from_autosave Should current editing session crash, then automatic backup restoration will be proposed next time file is opened

File > Revert file > Revert to saved file menu option allows to revert buffer contents to last saved version of current file, canceling all edit actions done since. Last saved version can be found in file named <file_name>#.

File > Revert file > Revert to autosaved file allows to revert buffer contents to last automatic backup of current file (which is generally more recent than last save). Auto-saved files are periodically saved in file named <file_name>~. Autosave period is configurable (cf. Configuration > General Configurations).

>> Back to menu

Synchronized browsing through textual annotations and signal

The following toolbar buttons allow to manage text and signal synchronization during file browses.
This allows to set eg. "full synchronization" between text and signal, when manually transcribing an audio file, and to disconnect this synchronization for a quick browse through the transcription text while signal is playing.

It is also possible to activate or inhibit highlighting or tags of current text segment.

Tool bar displayed Editor tags displayed button When activated (show as illustrated) all qualifiers tags are displayed in editor. When shown crossed with a red line, qualifiers hidden mode is ON, and the user can refine hidden mode options by clicking on the arrow button on the right, and select which kind of qualifiers should be hidden.
Tool bar sync Text synchronized to signal button allows to activate/deactivate automatic positioning of the text cursor relatively to the current signal offset. When shown as illustrated, text is synchronized to signal, which means that text cursor "follows" the signal cursor. When shown crossed with a red line, text is not synchronized to the signal.
Tool bar sync Signal synchronized to text button allows to activate/deactivate automatic positioning of the signal cursor relatively to the current text cursor position. When shown as illustrated, signal is synchronized to text, which means that signal cursor "follows" the text cursor. When shown crossed with a red line, signal is not synchronized to the text.
Tool bar highlight Highlight button when activated (shows as illustrated), the current segment of text in the annotation editor is highlighted. When shown crossed with a red line, text highlighting is disabled. For a stereo file with multiple views, one can refine highlighting options by clicking on the arrow button on the right, and select in which view to activate highlight.

>> Back to menu

Stereo files

TranscriberAG supports the annotation of stereo files, and provides specific features to ease this task, such as:

Stereo view

Most of the time, users will find it more practical to use dual text widgets when editing speech transcription.

When just browsing through a conversational-type stereo file transcription, it may be more comfortable to use a "merged" view to get a better overview of the dialog. Speech turns associated to second channel then appear indented, as shown below:

Tool bar unique Unique editor button in the toolbar allows to switch between various display modes for stereo files:
  • a single view displaying annotations for both tracks,
  • two "dual" views (one for each track) side by side,
  • a single view for one of the tracks.
Clicking on the "terminal" icon allows to switch between single / dual view. When in single view, clicking on the arrow button on the right allows to select between merged / track1 / track2 modes.

Text Widgets


Text Widget


The text widget supports the display and input of textual annotations for current audio signal, typically the segmentation and verbatim transcription of an audio signal.

The text widget offers full UTF-8 support for text input and rendering. Text display uses the native language script, and bidirectionality is well handled.
The input method relies either on internal keyboard mappings, or on common input methods like IME (windows) or SCIM (Linux).

This page describes main editing functionalities:

Signal Annotation

Signal segmentation

The following description assumes that a section / turn / segment segmentation scheme is configured for applicable annotation conventions.

segment_tag The basic signal segmentation unit is the "segment" which identifies a continuous portion of signal with homogeneous acoustic conditions, holding speech or not. The segment start is materialized in text widget by a green circle - as shown - placed just before the transcription text.
turn_tag A "turn" is a continuous sequence of speech segments with the same speaker, including possible short non-speech segments. A turn start is attached to a segment start. A turn start is materialized in text widget by a label - as shown - displaying the turn speaker's name (or "No speaker" when it corresponds to a non-speech signal portion), placed just before the start mark of the segment.
section_tag A section is a continuous set of turns with a thematic homogeneity. A section start is attached to a turn start. Section starts are materialized in text widget by a label - as shown - displaying the section name, placed just before a turn label. Sections can also be used to tag rather long non-transcripted signal parts.

Those labels are not editable. Contextual menus are associated to each label type.

Segmentation labels layout

Turns and segments layouts can be "widespread", as shown in above screenshot, where turns labels are isolated on a separate line. They can also be more compact, with turns labels being placed at the start line of the first segment. This is only a matter of presentation, and has no impact on other editor functionalities.

The following screenshot illustrates a "compact" layout for arabic language.


Presentation preferences can be set through TranscriberAG Configuration panel.

Adding a new segment boundary

Pressing <return> (or using Annotate > New segment menu option) inserts a new segment boundary for the current audio cursor value at current text cursor position.
If the cursor was set at a line end, a new blank line is inserted starting with a segment mark. If text cursor was set within line text, then the text is split at cursor position, and the remaining line goes into a new segment line.

When a splitted segment is enclosed by an event tag, then this event is also splitted, and the new segment is also enclosed by the event tag, as shown:

The newly created segment is displayed in corresponding segment track in the audio widget.

Adding intermediate timestamps within a segment

It is possible to define intermediate timestamps within a segment, at a word or an event start: place the text cursor at the desired position, place the signal cursor at the desired offset,then press <alt+return> keys, or select Add a time stamp. A timestamp mark will be displayed in the text buffer, showing the action has been taken into account, as shown below:
As any other annotation, this timestamp can be modified or deleted through contextual menu options.

Warning : If a qualifier or a foreground event is located at a segment start, the timestamp green mark is displayed before the element tag. This is not an intermediate timestamp (it can't be deleted). It just indicates that the qualifier or the event is linked to the start of the segment:


Adding a new turn

Pressing <ctrl+t> (or using Annotate > New turn menu option) inserts a new turn anchored at the current segment start. Turn speaker is by default set to the last used speaker. New turn label is displayed at segment start, and turn contextual menu is automatically popped to allow actual speaker name selection.

Pressing <Escape> discards the popup menu. Selecting Delete turn deletes newly inserted turns.

The newly created turn is displayed in corresponding turn track in the audio widget.

Trying to create a new turn on an existing turn will result in an overlapping turn, see below.

Another turn creation modality is provided through the audio widget, see section Creating a new turn for current selection in audio widget description

Adding a new overlapping turn

An overlapping speech turn can be created in two ways:

The overlapping turn label and attached segment mark are indented from "base" turn.

When the overlapping turn is created on a turn having 2 speech segments, as shown below, the new overlapping turn will span over the first segment only, "base" turn will automatically be split at first segment end.

--->>>   gives --->>>  

The newly created turn is displayed in corresponding turn track in the audio widget.

TranscriberAG forbids new overlapping turn creation when one already exists.

Adding a new section

Pressing <ctrl+r> (or using Annotate > New section menu option) inserts a new section anchored at current segment start. A section label is inserted before the turn label, and section contextual menu is automatically popped to allow selection of the current section type.

If the segment start doesn't correspond to a turn start, then a new turn is automatically inserted at segment start, and turn contextual menu is also automatically popped after section menu to allow selection of the current speaker's name.

Adding a new background

Pressing <ctrl+b> (or using Annotate > New background menu option) inserts a new background anchored at current signal cursor position.

Backgrounds start "((o-))"and end "((-o))" marks are inserted in text widget in corresponding segments, as shown below. The background properties dialog is automatically popped, to allow background type and noise level definition. Background brackets are noted like this:


Verbatim transcription

TranscriberAG offers classical text editing features:

When moving the cursor with arrows, TranscriberAG automatically sets it to editable positions (ie. skips non editable labels).

Verbatim transcription of speech segment uses the native language script, and uses the native writing direction, ie left to right (LTR) for most languages, right to left (RTL) for arabic and hebraic languages (yet writing top to down for some asian languages is not supported).
It is possible to mix several languages in the same segment line, TranscriberAG handles properly text display and cursor moves, in particular when switching from RTL to LTR.

It must be noted that there is no need to precisely adjust selections on word boundaries. The event start and end tags will be added before the first word and after last word of the selection range. In particular, defining an event over a single word can be done by just placing the cursor in the word and pressing <ctrl+d>.

Entities annotation is just the same process as event annotation; it can be defined thanks to <ctrl+e> shortcut, or by selecting Annotate > New named entity menu option. Again, the entity contextual menu is popped to allow entity type definition.

>> Back to menu

Contextual menus

A right-click on the text widget pops up a contextual menu. The contents of this menu vary depending on the item clicked in the text widget. It also varies according to applicable annotation conventions.

All menus are described hereafter.

Basic text contextual menu

The following menu is popped when right clicking on text:

  • Undo button cancels last edit action.
  • Redo button redoes canceled edit action.
  • Spelling suggestions appears only when clicked word is misspelled and pops up spelling suggestions menu (see Spell checking section below).
  • New foreground event pops up the new event submenu (see below), to allow new event insertion at current cursor position
  • The optional Predefined words menu pops up predefined words lists, through which it is possible to select a word to insert at current cursor position.
  • The cut, copy and paste are usual edit functions. Note that the "paste" inserts only the selected transcription text at current cursor position.
  • The special paste inserts the transcription graph stored in selection buffer, ie transcription text along with copied segmentation information (segments, turns, sections) and annotated events, entities, etc.), at current text position. This may result in new segments and turns inserted at current signal cursor position.

Segment contextual menu

The following menu is popped when right clicking on a segment start tag:


Some corner cases may occur when deleting a segment:

text_popup It may happen after a deletion that turns and segments layout in text widget seems a bit awkward, as shown (this merely happens when deleting the first turn after an overlapping turn). This as no impact on edition. Use <ctrl+l> shortcut or File > refresh menu option to restore a correct layout.

Turn contextual menu

The following menu is popped when right clicking on a speaker tag, or when a new turn is created:

Text widget speaker right click

Some corner cases may occur when deleting a turn:

text_popup It may happen after a deletion that turns and segments layout in text widget seems a bit awkward, as shown (this merely happens when deleting first turn after an overlapping turn). This as no impact on edition. Use <ctrl+l> shortcut or File > refresh menu option to restore a correct layout.

Event contextual menu

When <ctrl+d> is used or when a new event is inserted from Annotation menu, a menu is popped: it allows the user to display two submenus, foreground events menu or qualifier events menu.
The qualifier events sub-menu is only available when some text is selected in editor, whereas the foreground events sub-menu will not be reachable if a text selection exists.


The following sub-menu corresponds to qualifiers events (can be popped by right clicking on a qualifier event):

  • Available event types depend on applicable annotation conventions (which can be configured, cf. TranscriberAG configuration manual). If the selected event type has predefined subtypes, a submenu allowing subtype selection is popped. Else, if selected event may have user-input subtype, a event properties dialog is popped to allow direct input of the event type.

The following sub-menu corresponds to foreground events (can be popped by right clicking on a qualifier event):

  • Available events types depend on applicable annotation conventions (which can be configured, cf. TranscriberAG configuration manual). If the selected event type has predefined subtypes, a submenu allowing subtype selection is popped. Else, if the selected event may have user-input subtype, an event properties dialog is popped to allow direct input of the event type.
event_popup3 When accessing the contextual menu by right click on an existing event, additional entries are available:
  • Remove time mark annotation suppresses the time mark if relevant (otherwise the option is unsensitive).
  • Delete event suppresses current event annotation from data model.
  • Edit event properties opens event properties dialog box.

Named entity contextual menu

When right clicking on an entity tag (or when <ctrl+e> is used), the following menu is popped:

  • Available entity types depend on applicable annotation conventions (which can be configured, cf. TranscriberAG configuration manual). If the selected entity type has predefined subtypes, a submenu allowing subtype selection is popped. Else, if selected entity may have user-input subtype, a entity properties dialog is popped to allow type direct input of the entity type.
event_popup3 When accessing the contextual menu by right clicking on an existing entity, additional entries are available:
  • Remove time mark annotation suppresses the time mark if relevant (otherwise the option is unsensitive, cf. picture).
  • Delete named entity suppresses current entity annotation from data model.
  • Edit named entity properties opens event properties dialog box.

>> Back to page menu

Annotation properties

Section properties

Double-clicking on a section tag or selecting Edit section properties in section contextual menu opens the following dialog box, allowing to edit section descriptions. The Language combo allows to set the current input language (by default it is set to "system" language).


Through this dialog, one can also define the main topic associated to current section. Topic is to be seleected from the toimages list defined in current annotation conventions, by clicking on Change button, or let undefined if none is matching current section contents (which can be done with No topic button). A short description of the contents of the section can also be entered.

Turn properties

Selecting Edit turn properties in turn contextual menu opens the following dialog box:


Through this dialog, one can set turn speakers and turn languages.

Background properties

Pressing <ctrl+b> makes the following popup appear:


This popup allows to define background type and noise level.

Event properties

Double-clicking on an event tag or selecting Edit event properties in the event contextual menu (displayed when right-clicking on event tag) opens the following dialog box, allowing to edit event description, with respect to applicable annotation conventions.


If event type is defined as non-editable, one can only select a new description from predefined subtypes listed in description combo; if it is defined as editable, a free description can also be input. The Language combo allows to set keyboard mapping for event description input (by default it is set to "system" language).

Event type cannot be modified through this dialog. It can be changed by right-clicking on event tag in annnotation editor text widget, and selecting a new type through the contextual menu.

Named entity properties

Double-clicking on an entity tag or selecting Edit named entity properties in entity contextual menu (displayed when right-clicking on entity tag) opens the following dialog box, allowing to edit entity description, with respect to applicable annotation conventions.

Entity properties dialog

If entity type is defined as non-editable, one can only select a new description from predefined subtypes listed in description combo; if it is defined as editable, a free description can also be input. The Language combo allows to set keyboard mapping for entity description input (by default it is set to "system" language).

Entity type cannot be modified through this dialog. It can be changed by right-clicking on entity tag in annnotation editor text widget, and selecting a new type through the contextual menu.

>> Back to page menu

Other editing features

Keyboard mapping and input modes

Keyboard mapping can be set in various ways:

Chinese language input is supported via external input methods: SCIM on Linux platforms, IME on Windows platforms.

To enable Chinese input mode, select SCIM mode in the language selector in the toolbar, and select Smart Pinyin in SCIM or IME toolbar (which is generally located in the lower right corner of the display on unix platforms, on the top the the display on windows platform).

Keyboard mapping

Easy switching between Chinese input mode and default keyboard input mode in SCIM is possible with the following keyboard shortcut: press and release <Alt> key then press (left or right) <Shift> key.

Search and replace

Pressing <ctrl+f> shortcut or selecting Search menu activates search function. The search window can be opened in 2 modes:

It is possible to switch from one mode to the other by clicking on search_switch_dialog button in search toolbar or search_switch_toolbar in search dialog. Default mode can be set in TranscriberAG Configuration window.

The keyboard focus is set on search criteria field. Previous criteria can be reloaded by clicking on the arrow right to search criteria.

Clicking on Next button (or pressing <F3> key in toolbar mode) allows to go to next occurrence. Clicking on Previous button (or pressing <shift + F3> key in toolbar mode) allows to go to previous occurrence. If no next or previous occurrence is found, the search criteria background is set to red.

Search options
Checking Whole word checkbox restricts search to whole words only.
The Case sensitive checkbox allows the search to be sensitive or not.
A combo list allows you to specify where searching for the martching term: in edition text, in tags text, or in all text.
The Language combo allows to set the input language specifically for the search criteria.

Specific dialog options
In dialog box mode, extra search and replace options are available.
The Scope options allows to set the searched text range (in whole buffer / in selected text only). If some text is selected when activating search function, then it is set as search criteria.
The Replace with criteria allows to set a replacement string for search string. First occurrence to replace must first be searched using Next or Previous buttons. Clicking on Replace button replaces current occurrence and moves to next occurrence. Clicking on Replace all button replaces all occurrences in buffer.

The Close (or search_close_tb) button closes the search window.

Special search

Pressing <ctrl+alt+f> shortcut or selecting Search -> Find/Replace menu activates the special search function.
Special search enables you to search for:

Speaker within current file turns
Clicking the "Select speaker" button opens the local speaker
dictionary list
of the curent file
special search dialog
Topic within current file sections
Clicking the "Select topic" button opens the topic selection dialog
special search dialog

Edit Clipboard

The clipboard stores words or pieces of text, which can be pasted in the text area. This is useful to ease the repetitive input of complex family names or places, for instance, with correct spelling. Text can be imported in the clipboard from a text widget, and exported back from the clipboard to a text widget.

To use the clipboard, it must be opened either by clicking on clipboard icon tool_bar_clipboard_small in the toolbar, or pressing <shift+alt+c> shortcut. The following window is then opened:

  • The Up and Down buttons allow to select a word in the clipboard.
  • the export button pastes selected clipboard entry at current text widget insert position.
  • the import button adds current text widget selected text to the clipboard contents.
  • The A-Z and Z-A buttons allow to sort clipboard contents in ascending / descending alphabetical order.
  • Clear button clears all clipboard entries.
  • Delete button erases currently selected clipboard entry.

Clipboard contents are saved when TranscriberAG is closed, and restored when it is restarted.

Spell Checking

TranscriberAG includes an automatic spell checking feature. Spell check occurs when the file is loaded in the editor, and during edits, as soon as a new word input is done or as text cursor leaves a modified word. The chosen speller dictionary is the one corresponding to the main transcription language.

Misspelled words are underlined in red, as shown:  misspelled_word.

Spelling suggestions for the misspelled word can be displayed by right-clicking on the word. The text contextual menu is popped, including a Spelling suggestions item. Selecting this item displays the following popup menu:

spelling_suggestion A list of words with "close" spelling is proposed. If any word of the list is selected, it replaces the misspelled word in the text view.
Some extra options are also available:
  • More gives access to more orthographic suggestions.
  • Checking Replace all checkbox will cause the replacement of all occurrences of the misspelled word in the text by selected suggestion.
  • Add to dictionary option adds current word to user dictionary. This word will afterwards be considered as correctly spelled.
  • Ignore all option tells the speller to ignore this word for future checks.
The 2 last options can be disabled in TranscriberAG Configurations > Spell Checker Configurations.

For some languages, some pre-preprocessing may occur before actual spell checking. In arabic for instance, if words have been input with vowels, then vowels are suppressed before spell checking, as dictionary usually do not contain vowelled words. Therefore, suggested orthographic forms will not contain any vowels either.

>> Back to page menu

Various input modes are supported, depending on target language, see section Keyboard mapping and input modes below.

Detailed annotation

Detailed annotation consists in adding "events" or "entities" to transcription text. These events and entities are marked by tags. These tags do not require a precise positioning vs signal timeline, and are therefore only "anchored" on text.

Events can be used to annotate some brief acoustic conditions than occur during speech, or eventual pronouncation problems, speech disfluencies, language changes. Entities are used to annotate person or location names, time information, etc., that occur in the text. As a special hack, events can also be used to add comments on transcription text.

The following image illustrates the detailed annotation of a speech segment, with disfluencies and normalisation of some terms. As shown, events appear as light-blue tags noted between square brackets, precising event type and subtype. By default, entities have no background color. Isolated events that do not overlap speech parts are noted "[ event ]". Events and entities that overlap one or more words are noted "[ event_start -] words [- event_end ]".


Isolated events can be then inserted at segment start or end, or between two words by placing the cursor at the right position and pressing <ctrl+d> shortcut, or selecting Annotate > New event menu option. The event contextual menu is then popped to allow event type definition, and an event tag will be added at current cursor position.

To define an overlapping event, one must select overlapped words, and press <ctrl+d> shortcut, or select Annotate > New event menu option. Again, the event contextual menu is popped to allow event type definition.

Audio Widgets



The audio widget contains, from top to bottom, a Toolbar, giving access to main playback actions, Audio Tracks, representing the signal's waveform, optional Segment Tracks, showing various levels of signal segmentation, and a time scale showing current displayed timeline range.

The scrollbar at the bottom of the widget gives indication of the overall signal length and allows to scroll within the signal.
Remark: When audio is playing, using the scrollbar causes conflicting behaviour with the automatic synchronization. It is recommended to use it only when audio is not playing.

All the tracks are synchronized along the same timeline. The cursor (in yellow) is common for all the tracks, and represents current playback position.
The controls in the top toolbar apply to all tracks. The side controls of each track apply to corresponding track only.

The user interface elements of the audio widget are detailed hereafter following this plan:

The Audio Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following controls and information:

   Audio toolbar    the Playback frame contains signal playback controls.

   Audio widget stuff    Selection frame checkbox enables or disables automatic playback of signal selection. If automatic playback is on, selected signal portion will be played as soon as mouse button is released, either when selecting a signal part from the waveform or by clicking on a segment track to select corresponding signal part.

   Audio widget stuff    Tempo frame contains tempo controls. Tempo modifies "on the fly" playback speed without altering pitch.

   Audio widget stuff    Zoom frame contains zoom controls for the waveform display.

   Audio widget stuff    Informations frame displays general information on signal.

Audio Tracks

Audio track

The Signal waveform displays signal peaks along the timeline. When working with a multi-channel audio file (or when 2 synchronized signal files are annotated), a waveform is displayed for each audio channel, as illustrated above.

Current audio cursor position is materialized by a yellow vertical bar. Cursor position is common to all tracks. When playback is started, the signal is played from current cursor position. A left-click on the waveform allows repositioning of the cursor.

Moving the audio cursor

The audio cursor defines the playback start point. It can be set by:

When signal to text synchronisation is enabled, the audio cursor will also be automatically moved to current segment start when the text cursor is placed on a new segment.

Selecting a signal part

A selection can be set up by maintaining the left mouse button pressed while dragging the mouse on the waveform. The selection is materialized by a darker area. Selection duration is displayed in a small popup window and refreshed while moving cursor. This popup vanishes when cursor is placed outside the selection, and redisplayed when cursor is placed on the selection.

Current selection can be canceled by clicking on the waveform.

Creating a new turn for current selection

Select a signal portion, right-click on selection, and select the New turn option in the contextual menu. This will insert a new segment and a new turn for selected signal part, accordingly adjusting existing segments and turns:

Using New no speech turn option will have the same effect, but will set the turn speaker to "No speaker".


This feature complements the text widget Annotate > New turn menu option (<ctrl+T>), and should be preferred for scarse speech signals (like conversational recordings), when it is easy to visually identify speech segments through the waveform. It can then be useful to increase the waveform with the vertical zoom to enhance speech segments identification, see Audio widget track controls section.

When creating a new turn, transcription text for the current segment can be split at current text cursor position, with the text corresponding to the end of line being attached to the newly inserted segment.

Creating a new background from cursor or for current selection

Audio widget stuff

Set the cursor within the signal or select a signal portion, right-click on the waveform, and select New background option in the contextual menu; this will insert a new background starting at current cursor position, ending at:

accordingly adjusting existing backgrounds.

Through this menu, you can also edit selected background properties, or delete selected background.

Save a signal selection

Save signal selection option of the contextual menu displayed when right-clicking on a selection offers the possibility to save the selected signal part to a file, in wav format. The dialog below is popped, allowing to define a destination file.

Audio widget stuff

Export signal/selection to an external tool

Export signal/selection to ... options of the contextual menu displayed when right-clicking on a selection offers the possibility to save the whole signal (or selected signal part if any selection active) to a temporary file, in wav format, and automatically start chosen tool for this temporary file.

Audio widget stuff

Track controls

The Volume ruler allows to adjust volume factor from -14dB to +14dB, independently for each track.

The Audio widget stuff button left to the waveform allows to cut/restore volume for corresponding track (when volume is cut, track waveform is dimmed and speaker button is shown crossed with a red line).

The expander button Audio widget stuff right to the volume control allows to show or hide more track controls:

  Audio widget stuff   (Audio tracks controls expanded)

Segment Tracks

The following image shows section, turn and speech segments tracks, with an overlapping turn.


The segment area displays signal segmentation along the timeline, for the different levels of segmentation configured for current annotation conventions, typically a section / turn / speech segment scheme, as shown above.
Each track corresponds to a given level. Segments are drawn with respect to their position and size, taking into account current zoom level. Segment labels contain the section title for sections, the speaker name for turns, the transcription contents for speech segments.
When the cursor is placed upon a segment, the segment label is displayed in a popup window, which vanishes when cursor is moved (this allows to display segment contents even at zoom levels where they are not or partially visible).

Current audio cursor position is materialized by a yellow vertical bar. When the cursor reaches a segment, this segment is displayed more brightly.

When some overlapping segments have been defined, they appear stacked in segment tracks, as illustrated in above screenshot. Thus it is fairly easy to retrieve visually overlapping segments in a file by scrolling the audio widget.

Controls on the right of each segment track allow to move the audio cursor backward  Audio widget stuff  or forward  Audio widget stuff  to the next segment boundary.

The expander button Audio widget stuff gives access to extra options controlling playback behaviour when reaching a segment end:

  Audio widget stuff   Extra playback controls for segment track

Moving segment boundaries

Segment boundaries can be graphically adjusted through the segment tracks. Two methods can be used to move a boundary:

The latter method generally proves to be more efficient and permits to place with a single click the boundary with accuracy to the current cursor position, which can have been set in different manners, e.g. :

When the mouse pointer is placed on a segment boundary, its shape changes, indicating that the boundary can be grabbed and moved. Depending on current window manager theme, the pointer may look like a double-arrow, or like a left-oriented or right-oriented arrow.
While dragging a segment boundary, it may happen that a "grey" zone appears between the two segments, because the neighboring segment hasn't been yet redrawn up to the new boundary. This has no impact on the final result, as the neighbor segment will be accurately displayed when the mouse button is released.

When the moved boundary corresponds also to an upper level segment track boundary (e.g. a speech segment boundary which also marks a turn boundary), then tied boundaries are moved together.

Selecting a segment

Clicking on a segment automatically selects corresponding signal portion.

Showing/hiding segment tracks

Audio widget stuff Through the Show signal tracks submenu displayed when Right-clicking on audio widget, one can select which tracks should be displayed. A "checked" tracks is displayed, an "unchecked" isn't.

Video Widgets


Text widget Text widget small images


The video widgets are displayed when opening a video file or a transcription file using a video media.

The video part is composed of two floatting windows:

Both player and browser are fully synchronized with each other and with audio widget.

It is possible to hide player or browser, or both of them:

REMARK: in the Windows version, the windows manager seems to prevent TranscriberAG to be minimized when the video windows are displayed. A workaround of this issue is to hide the video windows (Ctrl+F1) before minimizing.

>> Back to menu

Annotation File Properties


Annotation file properties


The annotation file properties window displays information about the current annotation file.

The File properties page gives general information about the current file:

The Signals page gives information about current annotated signal:

File Properties Signals

The Statistics page gives some statistics about the current annotation file:

File properties statistics

>> Back to menu

Speaker Dictionary


TranscriberAG supports two levels of speaker dictionary:

Both dictionaries are very similar in form and behaviour.

The global dictionary can be opened using <ctrl+g> shortcut, or Speakers > Global speaker dictionary menu option.

The file dictionary can be opened using <shift+alt+g> shortcut, or Speakers > File speaker dictionary menu option, or double-clicking on a turn tag in the text widget of the annotation editor.

Speaker dictionary features are described hereafter.




The speaker dictionary windows shows on its left side the list of speakers it contains, and on its right side the details for currently selected speaker.

Speakers list subwindow
Speakers Clicking on any column header allows to sort the list on corresponding item, by ascending alphabetical order.
Browsing through the speakers' list displays details for each speaker in turn in the speaker details subwindow.

Clicking on Add a speaker button opens speaker details subwindow with empty fields, so that user can fill in new speaker description.

Another way to add a speaker to current dictionary is to drag a speaker entry from another dictionary, and drop it on the current list. This can be used from global to local dictionary, or from local to global (providing current user gives access to global dictionary), or from local to local.

Clicking on the Remove speaker button deletes speaker from the dictionary. If a local dictionary is edited, and if the speaker has associated turns, then removal is prohibited.

Speaker details subwindow
Speakers The following items can be defined for the current speaker:
  • first name (optional)
  • last name (mandatory)
  • gender (set by default to "unknown")
  • spoken languages (one or more): clicking on Add language adds a new language for the speaker. The following properties can be set by clicking on corresponding items in the new row:
    • the language name, to be selected in the popped up list
    • when relevant, the dialect and accent names, to be selected in the popped up list
    • the "is usual" and "is native" checkboxes, to be checked if language is usual or native for current speaker
    Clicking on Remove language removes selected language.
  • a brief description (optional)
Clicking on the Validate button save edits to speaker dictionary.

WARNING ! Edits are not saved until Validate has been pressed. Thus, if another speaker is selected in the list, edits for the current speaker will be lost.

When editing a local dictionary, if speaker name or gender has been modified, the turn tags in the text buffer are updated.

Another efficient way to update speaker data, from a global dictionary for instance, is to drag a speaker from the reference dictionary and drop it onto the speakers details subwindow. Current speaker data are then replaced by reference speaker data.

Saving edits

Edits to a local dictionary are saved when the file is saved.

Edits to the global dictionaries are saved when Apply button is pressed. Pressing Cancel cancels all edits and reloads the global dictionary from its last saved state.

Importing a speaker from global dictionary
The easiest way to import a speaker from the global dictionary to a local dictionary is to open both dictionaries, and to drag and drop selected speaker from global speakers' list onto local speakers' list. Global speaker will then be added to local dictionary.
Exporting a speaker to global dictionary
The easiest way to import a speaker from the global dictionary to a local dictionary is to open both dictionaries, and to drag and drop selected speaker from global speakers' list onto local speakers' list. Global speaker will then be added to local dictionary.
Replacing a speaker in local dictionary
It can happen that a speaker created in local dictionary already exists in global dictionary. As the local speaker has been used in annotation, you don't want to delete it. In this case you can replace the given speaker by the one existing in the global dictionary. For that, just drag and drop the selected speaker from global speakers' list onto corresponding speaker data.
A confirmation dialog will be prompted and will allow you to cancel or proceed to the action. Note that this action is only available for local dictionary, because the global dictionary is the reference and its speakers should never be replaced by local speakers.

>> Back to menu



This section explains how to customize TranscriberAG.
There are seven configuration tabs:

General Configuration

The general tab allows to make some basic configuration like defining the user TranscriberAG name, the default html browser, etc.

General configuration

The browser item defines which tool to use to read this manual. Default browser depends on current OS:

TranscriberAG automatically saves files being edited at a periodicity defined by "File autosave periodicity" item. This allows to recover edits from a rather recent version of the file in case TranscriberAG crashes, and can also allow to revert edits to a previous saved version, using File > Revert file > Revert to autosaved file menu option. Autosaved files are suffixed with a "~" character. They are suppressed when the file is saved by the user.

Transcription Configuration

This tab permits you to define the default language and convention used when creating a transcription.

Transcription configuration

Transcription Configuration

This tab permits you to define the default language and convention used when creating a transcription.

Transcription configuration

Text Editor Configuration

Text Editor's tab configures entity's color, suppression shortcuts, synchronization mode, etc.

Text editor configuration

First combo-box in Input options allows to define how segmentation marks can be deleted. <backspace> and <suppr> allow deletion of text, events and entity marks, but it may be undesirable to delete segmentation marks too easily. Segmentation deletion modality can be set to:

Audio Configuration

This tab allows to manage the waveform's resolution, the norm used, and some other behaviors.

Audio configuration

"Audio signal zone size" allow to define waveform display height, in pixels. This value can be changed in the following ways:

Video Configuration

This tab allows to manage the number of frames extracted per seconds for the video frame browser.

Video configuration

Spell Checking Configuration

This tab permits to load the default used dictionary.

Spell checking configuration

Speakers Configuration

This panel allows to define the default dictionary speaker.

Speakers configuration

Look'N'Feel Configuration

The following picture is the color sub-tab which allows to choose colors for audio and text editor widget:

Look'n'Feel configuration

The following picture is the fonts sub-tab allows to select default font:

Font selection

>> Back to menu

Shortcuts summary

This is a list of the most common shortcuts used in TranscriberAG:

Keyboard Actions

File Actions

<ctrl+n> create a new transcription.
<ctrl+o> open a file.
<ctrl+s> save the currently open annotation file.
<ctrl+w> close the currently open file.
<ctrl+q> quit TranscriberAG.
<ctrl+l> / <F5> refresh editor's display.
<F6> change permission mode (edition allowed / edition locked)

Edit Actions

<ctrl+z> cancel last edit action.
<ctrl+y> restore last 'undone' action.
<ctrl+c> copy selected text in selection buffer.
<ctrl+v> insert selection buffer content at cursor position (main text if selected is discarded).
<ctrl+shift+v> insert selection buffer content at cursor position (buffer can contain tags).
<ctrl+x> erase selected text and copy it in selection buffer.
<home> move text cursor to the start of the line.
<end> move text cursor to the end of the line.
<ctrl+home> move text cursor to the start of the editor.
<ctrl+end> move text cursor to the end of the editor.

Keyboard Languages

<shift+ctrl+page_down> select next keyboard language.
<shift+ctrl+page_up> select previous keyboard language.

Clipboard Actions

<alt+shift+c> display / hide the Clipboard .
<alt+up> select previous entry in the clipboard.
<alt+down> select next entry in the clipboard.
<alt+right> copy selected text to the clipboard ("clipboard import").
<alt+left> copy selected entry from clipboard at current cursor's position into editor ("clipboard export").
<shift+alt+space> clear all clipboard entries.
<shift+alt+delete> erase the selected entry from the clipboard.

Search Actions

<ctrl+f> open search panel. (toolbar or dialog, depending on user settings)
<ctrl+alt+f> open special search popup dialog (search by speaker or topic)
<F3> go to next occurrence.
<shift + F3> go to previous occurrence.

Annotation Actions

<return> Insert a new segment boundary for current audio cursor value at current text cursor position.
<ctrl+return> Insert a new timecoded mark at current editor position for current audio cursor, or remove an existing one. The current position can be a text position or a qualifier/foreground event tag.
<ctrl+t> Insert a new turn at current segment start. If a turn already exists at segment start, an overlapping turn will be created, after user confirmation.
<ctrl+r> Insert a new section at current segment start. If no turn exists at segment start, it will be automatically inserted.
<ctrl+d> Insert a new event at current text cursor position.
Open a popup menu to let you choose between qualifiers, events and foreground events. Press <Esc> to cancel.
<ctrl+e> Open the entity menu to insert a new named entity at current text cursor position. <Esc> to cancel.
<ctrl+b> Insert a new background starting at current audio widget cursor position. Ending is set either at selection end if any selection active, or at next background segment start (or at signal end if no next background segment) .

Signal Actions

<escape> play/pause the soundtrack.
<F4> skip forward in the soundtrack.
<F1> skip backward in the soundtrack.
<F8> synchronize text cursor with current signal cursor position.
<F9> synchronize signal cursor with current text cursor position.
<ctrl+1> select track 1 : puts the edition cursor to left window.
<ctrl+2> select track 2 : puts the edition cursor to right window.

Remark: The last two shortcuts don't work with the numeric pad. With an AZERTY keyboard, you should thus use <ctrl+shift+1> and <ctrl+shift+2> (since 1 and 2 keycodes can only be reached using <shift> key)

Video Actions

<ctrl+F1> hide video panels
<ctrl+F2> hide video player
<ctrl+F3> hide video browser

Speaker Actions

<ctrl+g> open the global speaker dictionary.
<shift+alt+g> open local speaker dictionary for current file.

Window Actions

<ctrl+k> show or hide the Tool Bar.
<ctrl+j> show or hide the Explorer Tree.
<ctrl+m> show Configuration popup.
<ctrl+,> extend the edition zone.
<ctrl+page_up> move notebook to the previous edited file.
<ctrl+page_down> move notebook to the next edited file.
<ctrl+wn> close current page
<shift+alt+c> display or hide the Clipboard.
<shift+alt+f> open the Annotation File Properties dialog.

Display Actions

<F7> to show (or hide) tags.
<F11> to enable/disable highlight.
<F12> to enable/disable dual display.

Help Action

<ctrl+h> display this manual.

Mouse Shortcuts

<middle click> on tab close tab.
<left click>x2 on tab full screen.
<shift+left click> + a signal selection to extend a selection.
<ctrl+left click> + the mouse pointer on the segment boundary the clicked boundary moves to the previously set cursor position.

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