Installation from binary distribution

Currently, binary files of TranscriberAG are available for the following systems:

Windows XP yes no
MacOS X 10.5 yes no
Linux OpenSuse 10.3 yes no
32-bit 64-bit

Build TranscriberAG from sources

First, you need to get TranscriberAG sources from the code repository.


TranscriberAG generation is based on CMake, a cross-platform build system.
A precompiled/packaged version is available for all operating systems: see

The following libraries (including development headers) must be installed in order to build TrancriberAG:

Gtk+ Cross-platform graphical toolkit (C library)
Gtkmm C++ wrapper for GTK
FFmpeg Audio/video encoding/decoding framework (C library)
Libsndfile Audio read/write (C library)
Xerces XML Handling library
Aspell Spell Checker
LibCurl File transfers libraries

The following libraries are already available in TranscriberAG sources:

AGlib-2.0.1 Implements/Supports AnnotationGraph(AG) XML format
Live555 Set of libraries dedicated to RTSP streaming
PortAudio Audio API to write samples on audio devices
SoundTouch-1.4.0 Audio processing library

OS-specific prerequisites

For Windows:

MinGW GNU Compiler Collection For Windows

For MacOS:

X11 Server X for Mac

Installation for Linux

From now on, we will assume all the required libraries are installed.

In the root folder, there are two folders:

Following are build instructions (Ubuntu was used for the tests):

  1. untar: tar xvzf TranscriberAG-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
  2. goto src folder: cd vX.Y.Z/
  3. cd libs/build
  4. cmake ../
  5. make
  6. cd ../../
  7. cd source/build/
  8. cmake ../
  9. make
  10. with admin or super user privileges: sudo make install
  11. cd src/Formats/
  12. sudo make install
  13. cd ../../../../
  14. sudo cp libs/build/aglib-2.0.1/src/ag/ /usr/local/lib/.
  15. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/ag/
  16. cp -r source/etc/ source/build/.
  17. cp -r source/doc/userman/ source/build/etc/TransAG/doc/.

To launch TranscriberAG, goto the GUI directory:
cd source/build/src/GUI/ and run ./TranscriberAG.

Installation for MacOS

From now on, we will assume all the required libraries are installed.

section to build, help is welcome (see instructions in the source/doc folder)!

Installation for Windows

From now on, we will assume all the required libraries are installed.

section to build, help is welcome (see instructions in the source/doc folder)!